A Compendium of Teuthorn U.S. Immigration

As constantly as our family grows in present times,  results of family history are accumulating continuously.  Although most of my new insights are of course written in German, and so  closed to our American family by reasons of understanding,   I feel challenged to give a short abstract in English from time to time.
I’m afraid, the last of those efforts did not attract necessary attention. So let me remind you at first at my early description of immigration as a certain base.
BUT,  already six months ago I gave an actual resume which obviously was not announced adequately. This is my impression at least. So I offer my American Family to consume it now.

2 thoughts on “A Compendium of Teuthorn U.S. Immigration”

    1. Ola Fernando, me alegria mucho recibir mas informacion. Voy a communicar directamente via correo electronico que me daste en tu segundo commentario. Saludos Pedro

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